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President and C M released Book on 500 years of SriKrishnaDevaraya
PRIME MINISTER of INDIA Shri.Rajiv Gandhi released my BOOK,
Gave RAHUL GANDHI Satavahana coin in March 2010,
Father of the Youngest Stamp collector,
Calculated velocity of light from Maha Bharata,1012AD,Indian Epic,
Much as I wish that I had not to write this chapter, I know that I shall have to swallow many such bitter draughts in the course of this narrative. And I cannot do otherwise, if I claim to be a worshipper of Truth. It is my painful duty to have to record here my marriage at the age of thirteen. As I see the youngsters of the same age about me who are under my care, and think of my own marriage, I am inclined to pity myself and to congratulate them on having escaped my lot. I can see no moral argument in support of such a preposterously early marriage.